
Thursday, October 24, 2013

Vitamin C 500mg Shaklee.

Ada apa dengan Vitamin C 500mg Shaklee?
Fenomena sungguh, berebut orang beli! Apa la yang hebat sungguh penangan Vitamin C 500mg Shaklee ni yek!!

Meh nak bukak story sikit, tapi sebelum tu, jom usha Vitamin C 500mg Shaklee ni dulu..boleh tengok gambar je la..kalau nak, kena la beli ;)

Istimewanya Vitamin C 500mg Shaklee ni terletak pada characteristic Vitamin C 500mg Shaklee itu sendiri dimana ia bersifat SUSTAINED RELEASE.

Oh, ape best nye kalau Vitamin C tu SUSTAINED RELEASE?
Since, the tablet is in 500mg of dosage, so the characteristic of sustained release is actually essential to release this Vitamin C 500mg Shaklee into the body slowly over a period of time. Bear in mind that, Vitamin C is rapidly absorbed and rapidly eliminated from the body. So, this sustained release helps in availability of the Vitamin C in our body throughout the day.

So, guys, care to consider Sustained release type of Vitamin C for your love one and as well as the whole family.

Another interesting facts about this Vitamin C 500mg Shaklee is that, it contain BIOFLAVONOIDS.
Apa ke benda BIOFLAVONOIDS ni??? typically, it is added to Vitamin C to offset possible capillary fragility and as well as give anti allergy and  anti inflamatory effects.

Oh, since the dose is 500mg, this 1 tablets of Vitamin C 500mg Shaklee is equivalent to 7.5 oranges. So, if tak sanggup & takde masa untuk amik 7.5 biji oren setiap hari. Take 1 tablets of Vitamin C 500mg Shaklee per day.

But, another special things about Vitamin C 500mg Shaklee ni, there is no artificial flavours, no sweetners and as well as no preservatives is added as one of the ingredients. Does it sound so healthy? Of course it is!

Nak cerita pasal Vitamin C 500mg Shaklee ni, memang tak habis dalam satu entri, banyak lagi informasi yang belum dikongsi. Benefits, Effects, how of functions in our body, in which conditions it can be toxix? All of this will be discuss further in next entry.

Always Safe, Always Green & Always Works


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