
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Sustained Released Vita C Plus? Do they lower the any risk of disease?

and is Vitamin C!!
Oh i love vitamin C, and of course the one with sustained release properties!
Want to know why? explore this entry  Vitamin C 500mg Shaklee

ok, Lets read on history of Vitamin C first!
Vitamin C is actually found due to the presence of the disease called Scurvy. In 1912, Casimir Funk introduced his theory that scurvy is due to the absence of an 'anti scurvy vitamine' which is later renamed as Vitamin C in 1920s. To make it short, in 1937, Albert Szent-gyorgyi was awarded the Nobel Prize in medicine for discovery of this ascorbic acid or Vitamin C and its role in preventing scurvy. This is really amazing rite, Vitamin C keep us healthy! agree with me??

Let see how this  Vitamin C can actually improve our life. Studies have been done to find the corellation of the vitamin C in reducing the risk of a few disease such as;

1) Coronary Heart Disease 
2) Cancer
3) Cataracts

Studies shows that, intake of Vitamin C, 400-700mg per day can decrease the risk of Coronary Heart Disease by 25%.

To decrease the incident of certain cancer like stomach cancer, lungs cancer, throat and mouth cancer, study shows that, higher intake of Vitamin C are associated with lowering the incident of listed cancer as mentioned earlier.

There may be decrease in severity of cataracts if Vitamin C intake exceeds 300mg daily for many years.
There were so many studies done to actually promote the important of Vitamin C in daily life.

The reason why we need to take Vitamin C is because, human bodies cannot synthesize Vitamin C. We can either take it thru the food that we eat or from the Vitamin C supplement.

Deficiency of Vitamin C can lead to gums bleeding, muscle deteriorate and as well as it affect the healing of wound since without Vitamin C, collagen cannot be form and and teeth become loosen.

So, to gain beauty, we must first gain the Vitamin C. Agree??

As for me, i am in love with Shaklee Sustained Released Vita C Plus due to the sustained release effect of releasing the Vitamin C slowly in the body system.

Last but not least,

i am Suhailey and i love Shaklee ;)
012 921 4064

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