and is Vitamin C!!
Oh i love vitamin C, and of course the one with sustained release properties!
Want to know why? explore this entry Vitamin C 500mg Shaklee.
ok, Lets read on history of Vitamin C first!
Vitamin C is actually found due to the presence of the disease called Scurvy. In 1912, Casimir Funk introduced his theory that scurvy is due to the absence of an 'anti scurvy vitamine' which is later renamed as Vitamin C in 1920s. To make it short, in 1937, Albert Szent-gyorgyi was awarded the Nobel Prize in medicine for discovery of this ascorbic acid or Vitamin C and its role in preventing scurvy. This is really amazing rite, Vitamin C keep us healthy! agree with me??
Let see how this Vitamin C can actually improve our life. Studies have been done to find the corellation of the vitamin C in reducing the risk of a few disease such as;
1) Coronary Heart Disease
2) Cancer
3) Cataracts
Studies shows that, intake of Vitamin C, 400-700mg per day can decrease the risk of Coronary Heart Disease by 25%.
To decrease the incident of certain cancer like stomach cancer, lungs cancer, throat and mouth cancer, study shows that, higher intake of Vitamin C are associated with lowering the incident of listed cancer as mentioned earlier.
There may be decrease in severity of cataracts if Vitamin C intake exceeds 300mg daily for many years.
There were so many studies done to actually promote the important of Vitamin C in daily life.
The reason why we need to take Vitamin C is because, human bodies cannot synthesize Vitamin C. We can either take it thru the food that we eat or from the Vitamin C supplement.
Deficiency of Vitamin C can lead to gums bleeding, muscle deteriorate and as well as it affect the healing of wound since without Vitamin C, collagen cannot be form and and teeth become loosen.
So, to gain beauty, we must first gain the Vitamin C. Agree??
As for me, i am in love with Shaklee Sustained Released Vita C Plus due to the sustained release effect of releasing the Vitamin C slowly in the body system.
Last but not least,
i am Suhailey and i love Shaklee ;)
012 921 4064
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Vitamin C 500mg Shaklee.
Ada apa dengan Vitamin C 500mg Shaklee?
Fenomena sungguh, berebut orang beli! Apa la yang hebat sungguh penangan Vitamin C 500mg Shaklee ni yek!!
Meh nak bukak story sikit, tapi
sebelum tu, jom usha Vitamin C 500mg Shaklee ni dulu..boleh tengok
gambar je la..kalau nak, kena la beli ;)
Istimewanya Vitamin C 500mg Shaklee ni terletak pada characteristic Vitamin C 500mg Shaklee itu sendiri dimana ia bersifat SUSTAINED RELEASE.
Oh, ape best nye kalau Vitamin C tu SUSTAINED RELEASE?
Since, the tablet is in 500mg of dosage, so the characteristic of sustained release is actually essential to release this Vitamin C 500mg Shaklee into the body slowly over a period of time. Bear in mind that, Vitamin C is rapidly absorbed and rapidly eliminated from the body. So, this sustained release helps in availability of the Vitamin C in our body throughout the day.
So, guys, care to consider Sustained release type of Vitamin C for your love one and as well as the whole family.
Another interesting facts about this Vitamin C 500mg Shaklee is that, it contain BIOFLAVONOIDS.
Apa ke benda BIOFLAVONOIDS ni??? typically, it is added to Vitamin C to offset possible capillary fragility and as well as give anti allergy and anti inflamatory effects.
Oh, since the dose is 500mg, this 1 tablets of Vitamin C 500mg Shaklee is equivalent to 7.5 oranges. So, if tak sanggup & takde masa untuk amik 7.5 biji oren setiap hari. Take 1 tablets of Vitamin C 500mg Shaklee per day.
But, another special things about Vitamin C 500mg Shaklee ni, there is no artificial flavours, no sweetners and as well as no preservatives is added as one of the ingredients. Does it sound so healthy? Of course it is!
Nak cerita pasal Vitamin C 500mg Shaklee ni, memang tak habis dalam satu entri, banyak lagi informasi yang belum dikongsi. Benefits, Effects, how of functions in our body, in which conditions it can be toxix? All of this will be discuss further in next entry.
Fenomena sungguh, berebut orang beli! Apa la yang hebat sungguh penangan Vitamin C 500mg Shaklee ni yek!!
Istimewanya Vitamin C 500mg Shaklee ni terletak pada characteristic Vitamin C 500mg Shaklee itu sendiri dimana ia bersifat SUSTAINED RELEASE.
Oh, ape best nye kalau Vitamin C tu SUSTAINED RELEASE?
Since, the tablet is in 500mg of dosage, so the characteristic of sustained release is actually essential to release this Vitamin C 500mg Shaklee into the body slowly over a period of time. Bear in mind that, Vitamin C is rapidly absorbed and rapidly eliminated from the body. So, this sustained release helps in availability of the Vitamin C in our body throughout the day.
So, guys, care to consider Sustained release type of Vitamin C for your love one and as well as the whole family.
Another interesting facts about this Vitamin C 500mg Shaklee is that, it contain BIOFLAVONOIDS.
Apa ke benda BIOFLAVONOIDS ni??? typically, it is added to Vitamin C to offset possible capillary fragility and as well as give anti allergy and anti inflamatory effects.
Oh, since the dose is 500mg, this 1 tablets of Vitamin C 500mg Shaklee is equivalent to 7.5 oranges. So, if tak sanggup & takde masa untuk amik 7.5 biji oren setiap hari. Take 1 tablets of Vitamin C 500mg Shaklee per day.
But, another special things about Vitamin C 500mg Shaklee ni, there is no artificial flavours, no sweetners and as well as no preservatives is added as one of the ingredients. Does it sound so healthy? Of course it is!
Nak cerita pasal Vitamin C 500mg Shaklee ni, memang tak habis dalam satu entri, banyak lagi informasi yang belum dikongsi. Benefits, Effects, how of functions in our body, in which conditions it can be toxix? All of this will be discuss further in next entry.
Always Safe, Always Green & Always Works
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Vitamin E dan kesuburan
First and foremost, alhamdulillah, thank you Allah swt for the idea to write something beneficial and of course the opportunity to share them with you guys...
Lets read what i have for you today...
First Fact :
The main form of vitamin E is alpha-tocopherol which were found to be essential to maintain fertility. The word 'tocopherol means 'to bear offspring' and derives from the Greek root phero, which means 'to bring forth', and the Greek root tos, which means 'childbirth'.
Bagaimana Vitamin E membantu meningkatkan kesuburan Lelaki & Wanita?
Vitamin E merupakan salah satu antioksidan yang mampu menjaga kesihatan sperma. Ia melindungi membran sperma daripada ancaman kerosakan akibat oksidasi. Dengan kehadiran Vitamin E, hormon-hormon yang terlibat dalam pembentukan sperma akan terjaga dengan baik untuk penghasilan sperma yang optimum. Kajian menunjukkan, vitamin E mampu meningkatkan kesuburan dan kualiti sperma sebanyak lebih dari 10%.
Kajian juga menunjukkan pengaruh negatif radikal bebas terhadap hormon progesteron. Kehadiran radikal bebas ini jelas mengganggu keseimbangan hormon wanita. Hormon progestron berfungsi untuk mematangkan sel telur serta menyediakan dinding rahim untuk kehamilan. Tanpa hormon progesteron, kehamilan tidak mungkin terjadi. Vitamin seperti C, E dan B Kompleks mampu membantu dalam pembentukan dan keseimbangan hormon-hormon wanita ini.
Fact 2 :
Where we can found this so amazing Vitamin E?
Here are the list of FOODS RICH in VITAMIN E (mg per 100 grams)
Sunflower Oil 59
Soybean Oil 18
Almonds 26
Corn Oil 21
Spinach,raw 2
Whole Wheat 1
Avocados 1
Fact 3:
Vitamin E Supplements must be taken with food for proper absorption. Natural Vitamin E in supplements is designated by a d as in d-alpha-tocopherol. So, guys check your supplement ok? whether it was a natural or synthetic for me, memang tak rajin la nak ambik foods as mention above tu! so, i go for supplements which i think suit me most...because i notice it is from natural sources and of course lah from the company that spent millions of ringgit to do research on their supplements..
But, i am not taking this supplement for fertility...main aim is for beauty..will cerita panjang lebar on vitamin E and beauty on next entry!!
thanks for reading!!
id 886589
i am shaklee independent distributor & i am proud of it.
Lets read what i have for you today...
First Fact :
The main form of vitamin E is alpha-tocopherol which were found to be essential to maintain fertility. The word 'tocopherol means 'to bear offspring' and derives from the Greek root phero, which means 'to bring forth', and the Greek root tos, which means 'childbirth'.
Bagaimana Vitamin E membantu meningkatkan kesuburan Lelaki & Wanita?
Vitamin E merupakan salah satu antioksidan yang mampu menjaga kesihatan sperma. Ia melindungi membran sperma daripada ancaman kerosakan akibat oksidasi. Dengan kehadiran Vitamin E, hormon-hormon yang terlibat dalam pembentukan sperma akan terjaga dengan baik untuk penghasilan sperma yang optimum. Kajian menunjukkan, vitamin E mampu meningkatkan kesuburan dan kualiti sperma sebanyak lebih dari 10%.
Kajian juga menunjukkan pengaruh negatif radikal bebas terhadap hormon progesteron. Kehadiran radikal bebas ini jelas mengganggu keseimbangan hormon wanita. Hormon progestron berfungsi untuk mematangkan sel telur serta menyediakan dinding rahim untuk kehamilan. Tanpa hormon progesteron, kehamilan tidak mungkin terjadi. Vitamin seperti C, E dan B Kompleks mampu membantu dalam pembentukan dan keseimbangan hormon-hormon wanita ini.
Fact 2 :
Where we can found this so amazing Vitamin E?
Here are the list of FOODS RICH in VITAMIN E (mg per 100 grams)
Sunflower Oil 59
Soybean Oil 18
Almonds 26
Corn Oil 21
Spinach,raw 2
Whole Wheat 1
Avocados 1
Fact 3:
Vitamin E Supplements must be taken with food for proper absorption. Natural Vitamin E in supplements is designated by a d as in d-alpha-tocopherol. So, guys check your supplement ok? whether it was a natural or synthetic for me, memang tak rajin la nak ambik foods as mention above tu! so, i go for supplements which i think suit me most...because i notice it is from natural sources and of course lah from the company that spent millions of ringgit to do research on their supplements..
But, i am not taking this supplement for fertility...main aim is for beauty..will cerita panjang lebar on vitamin E and beauty on next entry!!
thanks for reading!!
id 886589
i am shaklee independent distributor & i am proud of it.
Saturday, October 19, 2013
aidil adha part 2
happy eid adha everyone!
as usual, sambutan eid adha for sure la kat surau favourite abi, of course umi tak blh memilih bab ni! Nuraini pun sangat la suka surau ni sebabbbbb dia boleh main air kolah kat surau tu...which is takde orang marah and siap berjemaah lagi main air kolah ngan anak-anak ahli surau yang, since 2 lawan 1, umi kena la mengalah ok!
Sesi bergambar kat umah mak selepas solat sunat eid adha
semua orang berkumpul kat umah nenek sue, except for us & adik sue...we all ber eid adha kat surau kan...will join they all sesi petang lor!!
as usual, sambutan eid adha for sure la kat surau favourite abi, of course umi tak blh memilih bab ni! Nuraini pun sangat la suka surau ni sebabbbbb dia boleh main air kolah kat surau tu...which is takde orang marah and siap berjemaah lagi main air kolah ngan anak-anak ahli surau yang, since 2 lawan 1, umi kena la mengalah ok!
Sesi bergambar kat umah mak selepas solat sunat eid adha
semua orang berkumpul kat umah nenek sue, except for us & adik sue...we all ber eid adha kat surau kan...will join they all sesi petang lor!!
Nuraini berhijab sekarang......the day before eid adha dah mention kat sue dh, aini nak pakai tudung..aini girl! macam uni, abi boy...tak pakai tudung! Bijak anak uni ni..
sesi pakai baju kurung ni, bertahan sekejap je...she kencing dalam seluar,hahaha she forgot that she is now diaperless..layan saja pergi surau pakai jeans & tshirt, bagus sangat anak umi nih!!
ok lah, kita sambung event kat surau in next entry ok!!
Friday, October 18, 2013
salam aidil adha 1435 hijrah part 1
Masih dipanjangkan umur untuk sama-sama menjalani ibadah qurban pada tahun ini. Seperti tahun-tahun lepas, ibadah qurban kami sekeluarga di Surau Banggol, Chukai Kemaman.
A bit different this year since i am student rite now, mmm nasib baik dapat cuti extra sehari sebelum dan selepas cuti sambutan aidil adha.
oh, tahun ni jugak, kami sekeluarga bermalam di rumah kami pada malam raya, which is kat sg ular la, tak balik bukit kuang & geliga jugak!! Pagi tadi, gerak dari sg ular lebih kurang jam 7 pagi, sempat la sampai kemaman, singgah umah mak sue jap tukar baju raya.
Memang sepatutnya bermalam di kemaman, tapi kami dah terlajak jalan-jalan kat kuantan sampai lewat malam, maka bermalam sahajalah di rumah. Pengalaman yang indah juga, first time bermalam di rumah sendiri, rasa lain, a bit berbeza, walaupun kawasan kejiranan dah ramai yang balik kampung. Jiran sebelah rumah ni dah balik kemaman awal petang lagi, kami pulak memilih untuk ronda-ronda di kuantan..hehe sambung 'dating' bertiga dengan nuraini.
seronok beraktiviti sekeluarga macam ni. sejak sambung study ni, memang masa bersama keluarga sangat dimanfaatkan! lepak-lepak around kuantan, dinner @ Johnnys (abi buka puasa!)
around 12 am baru sampai umah. Bersiap sedia untuk esok pulak!!
salam aidil adha
mommy suey
Masih dipanjangkan umur untuk sama-sama menjalani ibadah qurban pada tahun ini. Seperti tahun-tahun lepas, ibadah qurban kami sekeluarga di Surau Banggol, Chukai Kemaman.
A bit different this year since i am student rite now, mmm nasib baik dapat cuti extra sehari sebelum dan selepas cuti sambutan aidil adha.
oh, tahun ni jugak, kami sekeluarga bermalam di rumah kami pada malam raya, which is kat sg ular la, tak balik bukit kuang & geliga jugak!! Pagi tadi, gerak dari sg ular lebih kurang jam 7 pagi, sempat la sampai kemaman, singgah umah mak sue jap tukar baju raya.
Memang sepatutnya bermalam di kemaman, tapi kami dah terlajak jalan-jalan kat kuantan sampai lewat malam, maka bermalam sahajalah di rumah. Pengalaman yang indah juga, first time bermalam di rumah sendiri, rasa lain, a bit berbeza, walaupun kawasan kejiranan dah ramai yang balik kampung. Jiran sebelah rumah ni dah balik kemaman awal petang lagi, kami pulak memilih untuk ronda-ronda di kuantan..hehe sambung 'dating' bertiga dengan nuraini.
seronok beraktiviti sekeluarga macam ni. sejak sambung study ni, memang masa bersama keluarga sangat dimanfaatkan! lepak-lepak around kuantan, dinner @ Johnnys (abi buka puasa!)
around 12 am baru sampai umah. Bersiap sedia untuk esok pulak!!
salam aidil adha
mommy suey
Monday, October 7, 2013
Assalamualaikum korang....
Seronoknya kalau dapat memasak, rindu pulak nak memasak Soto. Masakan kegemaran husband ni. Isteri WAJIB la kena tahu masak kan!
okey jom tengok bahan apa nk guna and macamana nak masak soto ni ok!!
Ayam (1 ekor,potong 4)
Buah Keras 8bj
Bawang Merah 20bj
Bawang Putih 2bj
(item 2-4, sila blend ok)
4 Beradik 1 each cukup
serbuk jintan putih 2 sudu
serbuk ketumbar 2 sudu
soto ayam
Ayam (1 ekor,potong 4)
Buah Keras 8bj
Bawang Merah 20bj
Bawang Putih 2bj
(item 2-4, sila blend ok)
4 Beradik 1 each cukup
serbuk jintan putih 2 sudu
serbuk ketumbar 2 sudu
Ubi kentang 10 biji (nak banyak sila beli lebih k)
Serbuk jintan putih
Telur 2 bj
Sos Kicap Berlada
Serbuk jintan putih
Telur 2 bj
Sos Kicap Berlada
Mari memasak kuah/sup soto ni dulu.
1. Tumis blend item ni dalam minyak yg banyak, agak-agak dh ade bau & masak , masukkan serbuk jintan putih & serbuk ketumbar tu.
2. Jangan lupa 4 beradik td, campak je dalam kuali..hehe
3. menumis ni yang agak lama, masukkan lg minyak masak bila dh tengok tumisan tadi makin pekat. Tumis sampai brownish tau.
4. Then, masukkan air, bila air dh mendidih, baru masukkan ayam.
5.Biarkan sampai ayam tu masak k.
sementara tu, meh buat bergedil dulu.
1. Basuh dan potong ubi kentang. Potong macam potato chips tp tebal sket.
2. Goreng mcm biasa. Then, toskan bila dah masak.
3. Tumbuk ubi kentang yang dah masak tu sampai lumat.
4. Masukkan serbuk jintan putih dan gaul rata.
5. Bentukkan bulat-bulat. celup dalam telur(letak garam sikit), pastu goreng!
6. Dah siap!!
Untuk sos kicap pulak, blend cili dan add kicap + cuka sikit.Siap!!
*Soto ni boleh dimakan dengan nasi impit atau meehoon/mee. Kami suka nasi impit! Beli yang saiz kecik, senang nak potong dan simpan!
*Ayam yang dah siap masak tu, sila carik-carikkan dengan garfu ye..memerlukan sedikit kesabaran di sini.
*Boleh goreng sohoon, campur taugeh, kacang dan lain-lain aksesori dalam sup/kuah mengikut selera masing-masing!
*Masa masak tu, jangan lupa banyakkan zikir ok!
cc kak atie sayang for the resepi soto yang best best!
selamat mencuba!!
Mari memasak kuah/sup soto ni dulu.
1. Tumis blend item ni dalam minyak yg banyak, agak-agak dh ade bau & masak , masukkan serbuk jintan putih & serbuk ketumbar tu.
2. Jangan lupa 4 beradik td, campak je dalam kuali..hehe
3. menumis ni yang agak lama, masukkan lg minyak masak bila dh tengok tumisan tadi makin pekat. Tumis sampai brownish tau.
4. Then, masukkan air, bila air dh mendidih, baru masukkan ayam.
5.Biarkan sampai ayam tu masak k.
sementara tu, meh buat bergedil dulu.
1. Basuh dan potong ubi kentang. Potong macam potato chips tp tebal sket.
2. Goreng mcm biasa. Then, toskan bila dah masak.
3. Tumbuk ubi kentang yang dah masak tu sampai lumat.
4. Masukkan serbuk jintan putih dan gaul rata.
5. Bentukkan bulat-bulat. celup dalam telur(letak garam sikit), pastu goreng!
6. Dah siap!!
Untuk sos kicap pulak, blend cili dan add kicap + cuka sikit.Siap!!
*Soto ni boleh dimakan dengan nasi impit atau meehoon/mee. Kami suka nasi impit! Beli yang saiz kecik, senang nak potong dan simpan!
*Ayam yang dah siap masak tu, sila carik-carikkan dengan garfu ye..memerlukan sedikit kesabaran di sini.
*Boleh goreng sohoon, campur taugeh, kacang dan lain-lain aksesori dalam sup/kuah mengikut selera masing-masing!
*Masa masak tu, jangan lupa banyakkan zikir ok!
cc kak atie sayang for the resepi soto yang best best!
selamat mencuba!!
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Just an update to new area of Cash On Delivery covered....
Ingin mendapatkan produk shaklee di area Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur??
Saya adalah Pengedar Sah Shaklee (id 886589) kini, di area UNIVERSITI MALAYA, KUALA LUMPUR. Jika anda memerlukan suplemen semulajadi bagi PENYUSUAN BAYI, ibu mengandung, MASALAH BERAT BADAN, masalah kesuburan, ANAK KURANG BERAT, sembelit, MASALAH KULIT dan sebagainya.
anda boleh hubungi saya :
Facebook : Suhailey Mohd Noor
Email :
WhatsApp/Call/msg : 012 921 4064
Anda boleh menghubungi saya untuk mendapatkan bekalan vitamin keluarga anda dengan penghantaran percuma di sekitar Universiti Malaya. Penghantaran ke seluruh Malaysia melalui Poslaju/Gedex juga boleh diaturkan.
Selamat bershaklee warga Universiti Malaya.
masters student um
Just an update to new area of Cash On Delivery covered....
Ingin mendapatkan produk shaklee di area Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur??
Saya adalah Pengedar Sah Shaklee (id 886589) kini, di area UNIVERSITI MALAYA, KUALA LUMPUR. Jika anda memerlukan suplemen semulajadi bagi PENYUSUAN BAYI, ibu mengandung, MASALAH BERAT BADAN, masalah kesuburan, ANAK KURANG BERAT, sembelit, MASALAH KULIT dan sebagainya.
anda boleh hubungi saya :
Facebook : Suhailey Mohd Noor
Email :
WhatsApp/Call/msg : 012 921 4064
Anda boleh menghubungi saya untuk mendapatkan bekalan vitamin keluarga anda dengan penghantaran percuma di sekitar Universiti Malaya. Penghantaran ke seluruh Malaysia melalui Poslaju/Gedex juga boleh diaturkan.
Selamat bershaklee warga Universiti Malaya.
masters student um