
Sunday, December 15, 2013

Day 6 : The Game Plan

Entri Day 6 terpaksa di postkan on Day 7 due to no internet connnection..
rindu nak tulis entri semalam sob sob sob..

lets get straight to the main agenda, Day 6 theme : A picture, scene from a movie or a joke that makes you crack up

i choose A SCENE FROM MOVIE..why? because it really touch my heart..baca je tentang tajuk Day 6 ni, terus teringat movie ni The Game Plan

tak boleh nak pilih scene mana yang menyentuh hati..huhu almost all scene Dwayne Johnson and Madison Pettis dalam cerita ni menyentuh hatiku

story of a daughter who looking for her father when her mother died. she found out that his father was a famous football player named Joe..

i love they way Peyton turn his father into somebody better...huh tak reti la nak citer panjang tentang movie..kena tengok sendiri...boleh donlod kat torrent or tgk kat you tube pun blh..


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