
Friday, December 9, 2011

Nuraini turns 1 yr old

This is back dated nye issue..hahaha

Salam n a very gud morning to all,

Mengimbau kisah lama membuat aku tersenyum sendiri..begitu cepat masa berlalu, kini nuraini telah pun menjangkau usia setahun..yeay!! (mother is always excited more!!!) n as she had been delivered during fasting month, of kos her first year celebration is on raye time..she's grown up too fast..i think la..hehe..can already too much..not so cranky..sometime je terlebih mengada..which i love it so much..overall, nuraini sgt senang utk dijaga..not only me says that way..others also share the same opinion.. Both mom from her parents said both umi n abi senang nk dijaga mase below 2 y.o..then abi start his teribble 2..hahaha mcm2 cite umi dengar dr tok wan nuraini..will tell u someday my dear..umi plak mase kecik2 tok ma kate..sgt baik,senang tok ma nk wat keje, umi buat hal sendiri je...anyway, arwah tok ayah sgt sayangkan umi sampai sometime,tokma jeles..hehe anak emas la katakan..i do wish abi do the same thing to u..a father love actually can be greater than mom's if they really do..but at least most men try their also ur abi..she loves h so much dear..

By 1 yr, nuraini weight is only around 9 kg..the best thing is, she is still breastfeed..thank u Allah for give so much to my beloved daughter..syukran..syukran..

She's still ate bubur, she love them so much..ikan tenggiri n brokoli were her fav..(abi comment: high taste anak abi ni!) ape-pun umi & abi sgt enjoy preparing ur food...after this, we will introduce u to our fav drinks which were vitagen & ribena..actually, abi yg sgt suka, umi pun terikut-ikut jugak..

Status perkembangan dirimu..
Able to walk..walaupun kadang2 jatuh jugak..kibut sket
Able to talk..although most of the words i really dont understand
Able to take command..sgt menurut perintah!
Able to understand my words..
Able to hugs n kisses me..although bg pipi je..
Understand english n malay..u dont understand TANDAS..but faham TOILET..x faham TUALA but TOWEL u know..
Imitate what umi & abi do..
Suke nyanyi..dancing sket2..
Love to read books..i dont know wat u books pun u baca..

Itulah serba sedikit yg umi dpat update..sungguh seronok ade ank rupenye....
Jom beranak ramai2.. Will upload ur pix during this time..

Jumpe next entry :)

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