
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Nuraini & her new school :)

Salam semua..

Due to sebab2 tertentu..nuraini dibhentikan oleh umi&abi die dr taska lama serta merta..we all x berkenan ngn hygiene n few other things...

Tutup citer yg x best nk dengar tuh..semalam adalah 3rd day nuraini at her new school..oh, before lupe, this new school recommended by my geng jahit fren which is wan noen a.k.a nurin.

Semalam call cikgu aini at school just to ask whether she had fever or not since semalam, badan die panas sket..alhamdulillah, her teacher said she was just fine..lega umi rase..borak2 ngn teacher or owner of the taska,kak lynn. She mentioned about nuraini behaviour while she was there..kelakar jugak dgr, k.lynn cakap nuraini asyik berdiri je..suh duduk x nak..buat x tahu je..time makan je die duduk..huhu tengok TV pun sambil diri..mcm inspektor pulak..hihihi..
Aini x buat perangai kt to ikut arahan jugak..

I tink nuraini x biasa lg ngn keadaan kt sane...cikgu also mention nuraini,bile sampai je school..first thing die buat adalah, tgk keadaan sekeliling..renung dulu class die..n baru start main2..pasal suh duduk n buat x tahu instinct said,aini x faham cos we also mention sit not dh bgtahu cikgu,she might not understand the word duduk tu..can try sit next time..huhu

Anyway, its too early to judge n analysis her attitude since br 3 days kt g amik awal cos ade TCA kat klinik desa...
Will update soon..on her school activity...

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