
Thursday, September 25, 2014

5 tempat makan BEST di kuantan yang wajib anda lawati!

I am Kemamanian but i love Kuantan! hehe sound a little 'poyo' right?? Ada aku kisah!!!! i am working in Kuantan and Kemaman is just 30 min (ni kalo encik suami la yang memandu!) from kemaman. Both of us from Kemaman but we stay in Kuantan.

Kuantan is a part of our life, we dating in Kuantan since 2002 and that is one of the reason we love Kuantan so much! ye lah kan, tak kan la nak dating kat Kemaman, kantoi la beb! ok stop merapu about dating and all...Main objective of this entry is to introduce the whole world (besaq cita-cita nih!) where you can find 'glorious' food in Kuantan.

I am not going to rate the restaurant i mention here since i think it might be differ from each other right? but what most important is, i want to stress that, you will definitely enjoy the food here very much!

kedai makan best kuantan

Eh, risau KOLESTEROL TINGGI ke nak enjoy makan banyak-banyak ni?
Lets watch this short video, lepas tu tak yah nak risau pasal KOLESTEROL nih tau! Abang ni ade penyelesaian best untuk kolesterol ni.

Ubat Darah Tinggi? Apa Laki Ni Buat Untuk Turunkan Tekanan Darah from iReach HD on Vimeo.

5 tempat makan best yang dimaksudkan adalah.....

sila klik link yang disertakan untuk details setiap kedai makan tersebut, panjang pulak entri ni kalau semua review (5 kedai makan tu) to be put in one entri kan???

1. SARA THAI KITCHEN ( also well known of WAN SEAFOOD & TOMYAM)

Basically, there were 3 branches of this restaurant in Kuantan. the one that i love to visit was located at in front of Grand Continental Hotel, Kuantan and the other one in Balok, Kuantan. The other location is also in bandar Kuantan which is along Jalan Teluk Sisek on the way to Tanjung Lumpur,Kuantan.

The one that was located in front of Grand Continental Hotel is called WAN SEAFOOD & TOMYAM and the one in Balok is called SARA THAI KITCHEN.

Here is the location to the restaurant.

wan seafood and tomyam

Sara Thai Kitchen (Wan Seafood & Tomyam)
B42, Jalan Gambut,
25000 Kuantan, Pahang.
(Opposite to Grand Continental Hotel)
Tel : 012 937 9322 / 012 946 5591

Sara Thai Kitchen
Jalan Kuantan-Kemaman,
Kampung Chengal Lempong,
26100 Balok,Pahang.
Tel: 012 949 34 66

Operation hours is from 12.30 pm to 12 am daily!

Klik SARA THAI KITCHEN KUANTAN  untuk menu yang best kat both Sara Thai Kitchen ni!
 (pix: credit to : & everything in between)


For those who plan to visit Cherating, Kuantan, this restaurant should be included in your list of 'makan-makan'. They are variety of menu you can try here and there are basically delicious enough!

so, where is the location?

on your left if you are from Kuantan 
(opposite kedai buah)

Warung Awang Ikan Bakar (W.A.I.B)
Jalan Kuantan - Kemaman,
Kampung Kubang Ikan, 
26080 Cherating,
Kuantan, Pahang.
Tel: 019 964 8421

Operation HOUR : 5.00 pm - 2.00 am


This is an air conditioning restaurant, so sangat sesuai untuk any romantic dinner, family day dinner, farewell dinner and as well as meeting dinner. The price is quite pricy compare to the rest of the restaurant mentioned here but i think it is still reasonable based on the service provided. If you have baby kecik then it is more convinient to enjoy the food here since it is air conditioning right?

Sangat banyak pilihan and the menu can be choose acording to package provided. 2-3 person? 3-5 person? 10 -12 person?? and they have ala carte too.

So, how to get there?
The most simple landmark is MegaMall Shopping Complex. The restaurant is basically located at one of the shop lot in front of the shopping complex. Those who stay at MS Garden Hotel, Kuantan sangat dekat la dengan restoran ni.

oh Restoran New Horizon Garden ni juga ada cawangan di Kota Bharu & Sri Manjung, Perak. So, those who do not have enough time to visit the restaurant in Kuantan, can probably visit the one in Kota Bharu or Sri Manjung.

Here is the address,

New Horizon Garden Restaurant Kuantan
A 21-23, Lorong Tun Ismail 12,
Sri Dagangan 2, 
25000 Kuantan,
Tel : 09 516 3555 /515 7999

new horizon garden kuantan
New Horizon Garden Restaurant,Kuantan

Jangan lupa singgah ye!



Located at Jalan Teluk Sisek, the operation hours is between 12.00 pm -12.00 am (tue - thurs) and 3.30 pm - 12.30 am (fri - sun). They are CLOSED on MONDAY. The complete address as follow:

Lila Wadi Restaurant
A 637, Jalan Teluk Sisek,
25000 Kuantan,
Tel : 012 664 4054

They have PAN BBQ,  western and other Thai food also. and of course i went there for their PAN BBQ and also their famous signature dessert..MANGO CHEESE CAKE!!

 Lila Wadi Signature.....Mango Cheese Cake! yummy!!!

mango cheese cake
Mango Cheese Cake

Click Lila wadi kuantan for more glorious food and menu served at Lila Wadi Restaurant.


Terminal Satay Zul
sate ayam & sate daging

Mane nak cari sate best kat Kuantan??? Surely you can enjoy them at Terminal Satay Zul Kuantan. Restoran ni dah lama bertapak di Kuantan dan kini mempunyai beberapa cawangan di sekitar bandar Kuantan. My favourite Satay Zul is the one which located at Jalan Alor Akar, Kuantan. The other branch i used to visit was near to East Coast Mall Shopping Complex.

They not only serve various kind of satay but other malay food as well. So, here is the location and contact number.

A2600, Jalan Alor Akar,
25250 Kuantan,
Tel: 012 947 0111 / 013 914 7999

Singgah ye, tak menyesal punya!

Huh, done for this time entry! Lets pray to Allah to give more ideas for me to write and share more....

I hope this entry helps you much in finding the best food in Kuantan.

Happy makan-makan dear friends!!

I love cooking & it is best to taste others dishes too!



  1. Sara Thai Balok tak pernah pergi lagi, yang lain dah pergi. Pergi makan kat Sara Thai bandar memang superb lauknya.

  2. Haritu pegi try waib....layanan baik,cepat,bersih,harga pun ok,tp rasa masakan dia...maap...mngecewakan.mungkin pekerja yg selalu masak tu cuti hari aku pegi kot...

  3. Ustaz Homestay Kuantan ( 013-3604802 )... menawarkan penginapan sebuah rumah RM150 semalam....malam kedua RM 100 ( diskaun )...kami menawarkan malam keempat dan seterusnya cuma RM 50 saja....terima kasih kerana anda membaca hebahan ini.

  4. thanks for the minggu depan plan nak g jalan2 kuantan :)

  5. Saya sekeluarga pernah diner di Warong Awang Ikan Bakar (WAIB) pada hujung tahun lepas. Ya Allah, rasa msknnya sungguh mengecewakan. Memang 1st & last la kami ke sana.


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